

Invicom Test & Measurement Sdn Bhd provides test instruments, data acquisition systems, vibration sensors and structural health monitoring systems and service in Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand & Singapore.

We are your trusted partners in measuring Stress, Strain, Force, Torque, Voltage, Current, Temperature, Vibration, Noise and related Engineering Parameters for variety of industries.

Solutions are available for both measurement and monitoring requirements where our monitoring systems can be installed at site permanently and data is captured and transmitted to our cloud servers. Real-time data is displayed on customer web browsers as dashboards.

Our key customers are: Automotive R&D departments, Civil & Structural Monitoring agencies, Aviation & Aerospace, HVAC manufacturers, Rolling Stock Operators, Power Distribution/Production Facilities, Petroleum Process Plants (Offshore & Onshore), Consumer Products Manufacturers and Research Centers.

What We Do

  • Supply and Integration of Data Acquisition systems and sensors for measurement or monitoring
  • Provide measurement services for stress, strain, vibration, noise and related physical parameters
  • Perform strain gauging (strain gaging), structural health monitoring, and remote cloud based monitoring
  • Test and analyze for stress-strain–principal stress, von-Mises stress and compliance tests
  • Develop and deploy scalable structural health monitoring systems, including data transfer, server backend software and automatic data evaluation.
  • Perform structural vibration monitoring for pumps, civil structures, marine or offshore structures etc.

How We Do

  • Having complete in-house Engineering capability for Measurement, Monitoring and IOT systems.
  • From sensors to dashboard, with solid customer support
  • With Extensive Technical Knowhow

Companies We Represent


Tell us about your measurement needs, we are ready to solve.